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Feature flag evaluation methods: Remote, Local, or Proxy – what’s right for you?

Feature flag evaluation methods: Remote, Local, or Proxy – what’s right for you?

Trying to figure out the best way to evaluate feature flags for your application? Whether you’re working on a frontend app, a backend service, or something in between, choosing the right evaluation method is crucial. You’ve probably come across a few options—remote evaluation, local evaluation, or even using a proxy—but which one should you go with?

Each of these methods has its pros and cons, and the right choice depends on your app’s performance needs, data privacy concerns, and how your architecture is set up. In this article, we’ll break down each method, explain when to use them, and help you decide which one is the best fit for your situation.

Remote evaluation using the API

Api flags evaluation

Remote evaluation means making an API call to check the value of a feature flag at runtime. This approach is ideal for situations where your frontend application or backend service can afford to make a quick API call whenever it needs to evaluate a flag.

When to use it:



For more details on how remote evaluation works and how to set it up, check out the remote evaluation documentation.

Local evaluation: evaluating flags locally

Local flags evaluation

Local evaluation is when you evaluate feature flags directly within your application without making an external API call. This method is perfect for scenarios where you need fast, reliable performance, such as backend services or edge computing environments.

When to use it:



To learn more about local evaluation and how to implement it, check out the local evaluation documentation.

Using a Proxy for evaluation

Proxy schema

Using a proxy involves setting up a proxy server between your application and the feature flag provider. This allows you to evaluate flags on your own infrastructure while keeping data secure and under your control. It’s a great alternative to server-side evaluation if data privacy is a top concern.

When to use it:



For more information on setting up and using a proxy for feature flag evaluation, refer to the proxy documentation.


Choosing the right feature flag evaluation method can have a big impact on your application's performance, scalability, and security. Whether you’re building a frontend app, managing backend services, or dealing with data privacy concerns, there’s an evaluation method that suits your needs:

Ultimately, the right choice depends on the specific needs of your application, the architecture you’re working with, and how much control or simplicity you require. If you’re still unsure, it’s worth evaluating which trade-offs—like latency, data privacy, or complexity—matter most to your team.

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