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Release management


Release management is a critical aspect of software development that involves planning, scheduling, and controlling the software build process through various stages and environments. This disciplined approach ensures that software releases are consistent, timely, and of high quality.



  1. Planning: Define the scope and timeline of the release.
  2. Build and Integration: Merge changes into the main branch and ensure they integrate seamlessly.
  3. Testing: Conduct thorough testing to identify and fix bugs.
  4. Deployment: Roll out the release to the production environment.
  5. Post-Release Review: Evaluate the release process and identify areas for improvement.

Key Features

Best Practices


Release management is a cornerstone of successful software development, integrating various aspects of development, operations, and quality assurance to ensure smooth and effective software rollouts. By adhering to best practices in release management, teams can achieve more predictable and high-quality software deliveries. Learn more about release management.

Progressive rollouts

Slowly rolling out a feature to incrementally increase the user base over time.

Learn about Progressive rollouts

Rollback strategies

Plans for quickly reverting changes in case of an issue with a new release.

Learn about Rollback strategies

Rollout strategies

Plans for how and when new features are introduced to users.

Learn about Rollout strategies

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