More feature flags related terms

Flag-driven development


Flag-driven development is an approach in software engineering where feature flags are used to control the release of new functionalities. This method allows for more flexible and dynamic development processes, enabling features to be tested and rolled out incrementally.



  1. Feature Flag Integration: Implement feature flags in the codebase.
  2. Development and Testing: Develop features behind flags and test them in controlled environments.
  3. Gradual Rollout: Progressively release features to larger audience segments.
  4. Monitoring and Feedback: Monitor performance and gather user feedback.

Key Features

Best Practices


Flag-driven development is a modern approach that offers significant advantages in software release and management. It provides teams with the flexibility to innovate and iterate rapidly, adapting swiftly to user needs and market changes while minimizing risks.

Environment branching

Creating separate environments for different stages of the development process.

Learn about Environment branching

Load testing

Testing how a system performs under a specific load with feature flags.

Learn about Load testing

Tech debt

Managing the accumulation of outdated or unused feature flags.

Learn about Tech debt

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