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Environment branching


Environment branching is a strategy in software development where different stages of the development lifecycle are segregated into separate environments. This approach enables developers to work, test, and deploy their code in isolated settings, ensuring stability and continuity across the development process.



  1. Setup Environments: Establish distinct environments, typically including development, testing, staging, and production.
  2. Code Promotion: Move code through these environments, ensuring it passes each stage's criteria before moving to the next.
  3. Environment-Specific Configurations: Configure each environment according to its purpose and requirements.

Key Features

Best Practices


Environment branching is a foundational practice in modern software development, allowing teams to develop, test, and release software in a controlled and efficient manner. By providing separate, purpose-specific environments, it ensures that the development workflow is both robust and flexible.

DORA Metrics

The DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) metrics are a set of key performance indicators used to assess the effectiveness of DevOps practices and measure organizational performance.

Learn about DORA Metrics

Flag-driven development

Incorporating feature flags at the start of the development process.

Learn about Flag-driven development

Load testing

Testing how a system performs under a specific load with feature flags.

Learn about Load testing

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