


Add the client to your dependencies:

npm i react-tggl-client

Add the provider to your app:

import { TgglClient, TgglProvider } from 'react-tggl-client'
// Instanciate it outside of your component
const client = new TgglClient('YOUR_API_KEY')
const App = () => {
  return (
    <TgglProvider client={client}>

For server-side-rendering you can pass the list of flags directly to the client so the user does not have to re-fetch this list via the API.

const client = new TgglClient('YOUR_API_KEY', {
  initialActiveFlags: {
    flagA: null,
    flagB: 'foo',

Read the Node.js client documentation for more client specific information like polling, caching, and using the proxy.

Updating the context

You can now change the context anywhere in the app using the useTggl hook:

import { useTggl } from 'react-tggl-client'
const MyComponent = () => {
  const { user } = useAuth()
  const { updateContext } = useTggl()
  useEffect(() => {
    if (user) {
      updateContext({ userId:, email: })
    } else {
      updateContext({ userId: null, email: null })
  }, [user])
  return <></>

updateContext only updates the keys you specify, it merges the context you pass as argument into the existing context. Alternatively you can use setContext to override the context completely.

Checking flag results

Use the useFlag hook to get the state of a flag:

const MyComponent = () => {
  // Use default value 42
  const { value } = useFlag('myFlag', 42)


Using the Tggl CLI you can run an introspection query to generate the TypeScript types for your flags and context.

npm i --save-dev tggl-cli
tggl typing -k <SERVER_API_KEY> -o src/tggl.d.ts -p react-tggl-client

Replace <SERVER_API_KEY> with your server API key or use the TGGL_API_KEY environment variable and omit the -k option. You should run this command everytime you need to update the typing. Your IDE will now autocomplete and type-check the context properties and all flag names and values.

Autocomplete react 2x

Tracking flags evaluation events

Tggl works nicely with your already existing analytics tool. You can track all flag evaluation events in one place and forward it to your analytics to compute conversion rates for A/B testing.

const App = () => {
  return (
      onFlagEvaluation={({ slug, value }) => {
        trackEvent('Flag evaluated', { slug, value })


If you are using Amplitude, tracking is automatic, you don't need to do anything. Just make sure the Amplitude SDK is available on window.amplitude. [Tggl] Flag evaluated events will be sent to Amplitude with slug and value.

If you are importing the Amplitude SDK via a <script /> tag, you do not need to do anything. If you are using npm, you need to expose the amplitude object to the window object like so:

import * as amplitude from '@amplitude/analytics-browser';
window.amplitude = amplitude


If you are using Intercom, the SDK will automatically track flags values for each user in custom data attributes. You simply have enabled the Intercom integration and choose which falgs to track. Just make sure the Intercom SDK is available on window.Intercom.

If you are importing the Intercom SDK via a <script /> tag, you do not need to do anything. If you are using npm, you need to expose the Intercom object to the window object like so:

import Intercom from "@intercom/messenger-js-sdk";
window.Intercom = Intercom



The client used to query the Tggl API.

const client = new TgglClient('YOUR_API_KEY')

Read more about the Node.js client.


Place this component at the root of your app. It gives your app access to the client and the state of the client.

  initialContext={{ foo: 'bar' }}


Pass a TgglClient that will be used to evaluate flags.


Allows you to pass an initial value.


Updating the value of initialContext will have no effect, use the useTggl hook instead


This function is called everytime a flag is evaluated. It takes an object as only parameter with the following keys: slug, ans value.


You can use this hook anywhere inside the <TgglProvider />. It is mostly useful for updating the context with setContext and updateContext.

function useTggl(): {
  client: TgglClient
  setContext: (context: Context) => void
  updateContext: (context: Context) => void


Returns the client instance passed to <TgglProvider />.


Override the context and triggers an API call to evaluate flags.


Just like setContext but keys are merged into the existing context. This should be used if you wish to only update a few keys, leaving the rest unchanged.


function useFlag(
  slug: string,
  defaultValue: any
): {
  value: any
  loading: boolean
  error: any

Only read the keys that you really need to avoid unnecessary re-renders.


The value of the flag or the default value if the flag is not active, is deleted, or in case of network errors.


True when an API call is being performed.


The error thrown by the last API call if any.