

Install the tggl package:

pip install tggl

Quick start

Start by creating a client using your API key and use it to evaluate contexts:

from tggl import TgglClient
client = TgglClient('<Your API key>')
flags = client.eval_context({
    'user_id': 123,
    'email': '',
    'plan': 'PRO'

You can then check flag results:

# On/Off flags
if (flags.is_active('feature_1')):
    print('Feature 1 is active')
# A/B tests
if (flags.get('feature_2') == 'Variation A'):
    print('Should display variation A to user')
# A/B test with default value
if (flags.get('feature_2', 'Variation A') == 'Variation B'):
    print('Should display variation B to user')

A single API call evaluating all flags is performed when calling eval_context, making all subsequent flag checking methods extremely fast.

This means that you do not need to cache results of is_active and get since they do not trigger an API call, they simply look up the data in the already fetched response.

is_active vs get

By design, you have no way of telling apart an inactive flag, a non-existing flag, a deleted flag, or a network error. This design choice prevents anything from breaking your app by just deleting a flag, messing up the API key rotation, or any other unforeseen event, it will simply consider any flag to be inactive.


Do not use get if you simply want to know if a flag is active or not, use is_active instead.

get gives you the value of an active flag, and this value may be "falsy" (None, False, 0, or empty string), leading to unexpected behaviors:

if (flags.get('my_feature')):
    # If 'my-feature' is active, but its value is falsy this block won't be executed
if (flags.isActive('my_feature')):
    # Even if 'my-feature' has a falsy value, this block will be executed