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Blue-green deployment


Blue-green deployment is a strategy in software engineering for reducing downtime and risk by running two identical production environments. It simplifies the process of rolling back a software release in case of a failure, ensuring high availability and minimal impact on end users.



  1. Environment Setup: Establish two production environments, termed as 'Blue' and 'Green'.
  2. Initial Deployment: Deploy the new version to the inactive environment (e.g., Green).
  3. Testing: Thoroughly test the new deployment in the Green environment.
  4. Switching: Once tested, switch traffic from Blue to Green.
  5. Rollback Plan: In case of issues, switch back to the Blue environment.

Key Features

Best Practices


Blue-green deployment is a robust strategy for deploying software with minimal downtime and high reliability. By maintaining two identical environments and facilitating easy rollbacks, it offers a safer and more user-friendly approach to software releases. Learn more about release management.

Beta testing

Testing a pre-release version of software by a select group of users in a real-world environment.

Learn about Beta testing

Canary release

Gradually rolling out changes to a small subset of users to test and validate before a full deployment.

Learn about Canary release

Dark launching

Releasing a new feature to a subset of users without them being aware of it, for testing purposes.

Learn about Dark launching

Slowly roll out new features to your users with feature flags

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