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Continuous Integration


Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development practice where team members frequently integrate their code changes into a shared repository. Each integration is verified by an automated build and automated tests, allowing for the early detection of integration errors and ensuring a stable codebase.


  1. Code Changes: Developers make small, frequent changes to the codebase.
  2. Automated Build: Upon each code commit, an automated build process is triggered to compile the code and generate artifacts.
  3. Automated Tests: A suite of automated tests, including unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests, is executed to validate the changes.
  4. Integration: The changes are integrated into the shared repository, ensuring that the codebase is continuously updated.
  5. Feedback: Developers receive immediate feedback on the integration process, allowing them to address any issues promptly.

Key Benefits


Continuous Integration is a cornerstone of modern software development methodologies, enabling teams to deliver high-quality software with greater speed and efficiency. By integrating code changes frequently, automating the build and testing process, and fostering collaboration among team members, organizations can achieve continuous delivery and maintain a competitive edge in today's fast-paced market.

Continuous Improvement

The concept of continuously refining processes, products, or services to achieve incremental enhancements over time.

Learn about Continuous Improvement


A cultural and professional movement that promotes collaboration between development and operations teams, emphasizing automation and continuous delivery.

Learn about DevOps


A methodology that integrates security practices into the DevOps process, emphasizing security from the beginning to the end of the software development lifecycle.

Learn about DevSecOps

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