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Continuous delivery


Continuous Delivery is a software development practice where code changes are automatically prepared for a release to production. It ensures that software can be deployed quickly and sustainably, helping teams to release new features, fixes, and updates efficiently and reliably.



  1. Code Integration: Regularly integrate code into a shared repository, triggering automated builds and tests.
  2. Automated Testing: Run automated tests to validate code changes.
  3. Release Readiness: Keep software in a state where it can be deployed at any time.

Key Features

Best Practices


Continuous Delivery represents a modern approach in software engineering, focusing on making releases quick, safe, and sustainable. By enabling teams to frequently and reliably release software, it plays a crucial role in today's fast-paced and quality-focused development environments. Learn more about release management.

Canary testing

Canary testing gradually introduces new software features to a small group of users, allowing developers to monitor performance and user feedback before a full rollout, reducing risks and ensuring a smoother deployment process.

Learn about Canary testing

Continuous deployment

Automatically deploying every valid change to production without explicit approval.

Learn about Continuous deployment

Continuous Improvement

The concept of continuously refining processes, products, or services to achieve incremental enhancements over time.

Learn about Continuous Improvement

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